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Your contribution can make a difference in the upcoming elections! Vote Rodney Harris for Gwinnett County Superior Court Judge, a Gwinnett County native, an experienced judge, and a voice for the people. Help us reach out to every voter in the county. We have various opportunities for you to get involved, from canvassing neighborhoods to hosting fundraising events. Here's how you can help:

Be a part of history in the making! Host a campaign event for Rodney Harris, the most qualified candidate for Gwinnett County Superior Court Judge. Tell your friends and family about Rodney's vision for the county and his commitment to justice for all. Let's work together to make a difference in our community!


Join our team of passionate volunteers and help us spread the word about Rodney Harris, the best candidate for Gwinnett County Superior Court Judge. You can help in different ways, from knocking on doors to making phone calls. Let's work together to ensure that every voter knows about Rodney's qualifications and his commitment to the people of Gwinnett County.


Your contribution can help us reach out to more voters and make sure that Rodney Harris is elected as the next Gwinnett County Superior Court Judge. Every dollar counts, and your donation can make a difference in this election. Thank you for your support!

Join the Rodney Harris Campaign
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Tel: 678-558-0548

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